Welcome To Meta - The next revolution in Social Technology | Metaverse Universe

Meta meaning :
From Greek Meta- meaning "after" or "beyond", its own category.
Don't get confused by word meta phor or Metaphor :) It's is a figure of speech in English Language. This Meta is different.
Metaverse :
Metaverse is the next-gen social technology by Facebook, brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg. People refer thing new technology as facebook metaverse or metaverse facebook.
Though this new technology is very new to many people, there is one other platform "Second Life" which has already explored few of the concepts like 3D avatar, 3D virtual environment, Virtual social life and other things a long ago.
Future goal of Facebook is to become a "Metaverse company", incorporating metaverse technology like metaverse augmented reality.
Metaverse is a platform where you can virtually meet, work and play using a augmented reality headset, glasses, smart phones, game consoles or your device. This technology is still in infancy stage, however ambition and vision of Facebook in Metaverse Company is very big.
Mark Zuckerberg is betting Facebook's future on the "Metaverse company".
Metaverse to generate billions of dollars of virtual commerce or economy. Creators are able to monetize their content, services.
Enter a world of imagination with Metaverse and explore endless possibilities in 3D environment.
To bring the life to Metaverse eco-system, Meta First Wants to Build physical Stores, social media giant already discussed opening physical stores to showcase its virtual reality and augmented reality devices.
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